Do you wish to have bigger breasts?
Are your breasts saggy after breastfeeding?
Did your breasts shrink after pregnancy?
Have you always wondered how it feels to have a cleavage?

Wait no longer, breast implants are the best way to have a long-lasting, safe and natural-looking augmentation to your breast.

Many ladies come to our clinic asking for breast augmentation, plastic surgery for their breast or even a “boob job”. Their wish is usually very simple – to look better in clothes, especially evening gowns, to feel more confident about their body, to not look like a boy,and just to look better when naked for their partners.

Whichever one of the above reasons it may be, breast implants are a good choice. So the next time you hear someone commenting “why are my boobs so small”, or “I wish I could have a boob job”, don’t discount the possibility immediately. The important information which I will provide you below will give you a completely new perspective on a previously taboo topic!

Firstly, breast implants are the most economical way of achieving a breast augmentation. Because our implants are covered by a lifetime warranty from the manufacturer against rupture, we are certain that your implants will give you many years of satisfaction. In terms of cost per year, breast implants are a much more economical way of achieving a breast augmentation. Compared to the cost of fillers, which need to be topped up frequently every 1-2 years, breast implants make a whole lot of economical sense.
Breast implants have been around for many years. Hence, the medical profession and plastic surgeons worldwide have a wealth of evidence on the safety of plastic surgery to the breast using breast implants. Many are aware that for a number of years, silicone breast implants were banned by the FDA due to problems with leakage. So for a time, the only FDA approved breast implants were saline (salt water) filled. These tended to be sloshy and looked and felt unnatural. In 2006, the FDA re-approved silicone breast implants because the newest generation of implants were made of solid “memory gel” cohesive silicon. Because of this the implant did not leak even if the implant shell were to be ruptured. Today, plastic surgeons in the US use only FDA approved breast implants. We use primarily FDA approved “memory gel” (some people call them “gummy bear” due to the resemblance of the cohesive silicon to gummy sweets) implants in our breast augmentation surgery due to their superior feel and natural look after breast augmentation surgery.
We are able to place an implant in 3 ways– via the armpit incision, via an incision in the lower fold below the breast, or through the nipple areola. There are some considerations before choosing an approach. This is because asians tend to develop darker coloured scars. Against normal skin, these scars are very obvious. Hence placing the incision in the armpit is often visible when we wear “spaghetti strap” clothes. Hence, the best-hidden scar is in the nipple areola. As a bonus, the dark colour of the areola is able to hide the scar very well, making it very hard to spot that an implant has been inserted a few months after breast augmentation is completed. The other common approach is placing it below the breast crease. When the breast hangs down, the scar is then hidden in the breast crease. We use this approach for bigger augmentations, or augmentation where we place the implant below the muscle.
We get ladies who are interested in anything from just going up a cup size, to wanting bigger than D-cup breasts. Whatever the expectation for the “boob job”, it is important to convey this accurately to the surgeon. The good thing about implants is that they are not charged by cc. Thus, implants cost the same, no matter which size you choose. I would imagine a 200cc breast augmentation would cost a lot more with fillers. Many ladies who do fillers with us eventually end up doing implants, because of the longer duration of implants. Please also kindly note that breast fillers are no longer allowed in Singapore. We usually choose implants based on the profile of the implants. That is, low, medium and high profile. The low and medium profile implants look more natural, while high profile implants are rounder and more protruding, and produce more impressive cleavage. Choosing the correct size is very much dependent on the experience of your surgeon and, based on our discussion with you and the measurements of your chest, we will be able to choose an implant size to meet your expectations. The commonest implant sizes chosen by women coming to our clinic range from 175-225 cc. For an average height (155-165 cm) asian lady, with an A-cup breast, 175 cc will usually bring her up to a B-cup. For the same lady, 225 cc will bring her to a C-cup. Nothing beats being able to see the actual size on yourself. We have a full range of “sizers” that you can wear using our “sizer top” to see what final size you will be after the augmentation. Our ladies appreciate approach and usually spend some time choosing the correct size for themselves.
We choose to use a combination of mild sedation and local anaesthesia to achieve a painless augmentation for you. Using this technique, we avoid the risk of general anaesthesia, although it takes us slightly longer to complete the surgery, which usually takes around 1 – 1.5 hours. Hence the safety of the operation is increased. After the surgery, you will wake up very quickly (usually within 5 minutes of completing the surgery) and will be able to see your new breasts immediately. Most of our ladies climb straight off the operating table and are out of the clinic within the hour. Some of our ladies even visited Victoria’s Secret on the same day of the surgery, although this is strictly not advised.
You will feel pain on the same day of the surgery, although this is well managed with painkillers. Most ladies complain that the pain feels a little like mastitis or breast engorgement, and is worst on the first night. However, the majority of our patients report only bad pain on the first night, and by the second day, they are usually up and about. Most ladies go back to work on the second or third day after surgery. You will continue to experience occasional twinges of pain on the few weeks after the surgery, but these are to be expected during the settling-in period.
We prefer to use silicon implants due to their superior look and feel. After the surgery, it is common that your breasts will look a little full at the top, slightly firm, and not yet completely natural. This is normal after all plastic surgery to the breast. After a month or so, the skin around stretches and the implant “settles” in to a nice position and looks and feels completely natural.
We prefer to use only FDA approved breast implants, because of their safety in plastic surgery. Our policy is that if you are going to insert anything into the body, it should be made of only the best materials. The brands of silicon breast implants approved by FDA are Mentor and Allergan. We use Mentor or Allergan MemoryGel implants, which are more expensive, but certainly worth the peace of mind.
Implants can come in teardrop shape, or round shapes. Teardrop implants (otherwise known as anatomical shape) more closely mimic the natural shape of the breast, and are recommended for ladies with very thin breast tissue. We have experience inserting both types of implants at our surgery. Choice of teardrop or round implants will be discussed with the surgeon before proceeding for the surgery.
We advise you to get an opinion from a doctor who does ALL the options including implants & LipoFilling  so that you get an unbiased opinion. Call 6221 8221 today.