Many ladies envy “Korean Eyes” which are large, round and have defined double eyelids. Have you ever wondered how this can look on you?
Good news. No you do not need to travel to Gangnam, Seoul to get this done… Our plastic surgeon who was trained in Korea now makes this set of procedures available to Singaporeans.
What are the procedures that make up the coveted Korean eye?
Firstly the double eyelid is very important. We perform both cutting and stitching method of double eyelids to create a very natural and defined double eyelid. For ladies who have excessive fats on the upper eyelid, we may need to do a cutting style double eyelid, to remove the excess puffy fats. For the ladies who have a nice thin skin on the upper eyelid, a stitching technique using our Enhanced DST method achieves good symmetry with low downtime and a very natural result.
Using a technique known as Epicanthoplasty, we will widen the eyes and reduce the epicanthic folds. These folds are a hallmark of Chinese eyes, where the fold obscures the corners of the eyes. Using a minimally invasive technique which hides the incision behind the fold of skin, we are able to widen the side-to-side diameter and increase the roundness of the eye.
When evaluating the appearance of the eye, some patients may require one or the other type of surgery. In some of our patients, we have found that the combination of both procedures tends to have a synergistic effect on the eye, making the appearance dramatically better than if they were done individually. Our Plastic Surgeon will carefully evaluate the existing condition of your eye and advise the correct treatment plan.
The downtime for this procedure is approximately one week, following which the tiny stitches will be removed. After that, there may be some residual swelling which could last for a few weeks. During this period, you will look natural, but have some puffiness. After the swelling has subsided, the final result is natural and most people will be unable to tell that you have had a procedure done.
Want to know more? Find out how with our years of experience, we can help you to create beautiful, dazzling eyes with a Korean flavor! Call 62218221 to make an appointment today.